Leaf pick-up will start within next two weeks - here's the details

Within the next two weeks, the Village Service Department will begin the annual leaf pickup throughout town, according to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator. He will provide leaf pick-up details during Monday's Bluffton council meeting. 

The entire council agenda is in an attachment at the bottom of this story.

"As the mowing duties begin to slow down, we will begin picking up leaves on a part-time basis," he said.  "Depending on the weather and the leaves, we anticipate the leaf pick-up will last through the end of November."

Residents should place un-bagged leaves on the side of the street in front of their residence as close to the curb as possible, utilizing the tree lawn if available, and they should not allow the leaf pile to extend into the lanes of traffic.

Residents can aid the Service Department by clearing leaves away from catch basins and curb drains. Individuals who park vehicles on the street are asked to be aware ofleaf piles when parking their vehicle so that the crews are able to get to the piles of leaves.

Village residents are also encouraged to take their leaves to the village's brush dump at 455 N. Spring St. next to the village maintenance garage but should not leave leaves in the bag when dropping them off at the brush dump.