Emily Metzger is the BHS February student of the month

Emily Metzger is the Bluffton High School February student of the month.

Emily is a junior with a 3.846 grade point average and is the daughter of Mike and Amy Metzger of Bluffton.

Emily is a member of the Bluffton High School volleyball and track teams.  In 2015 she received the "Pirate Award" in volleyball. She also competes on the Bluffton powerlifting team.

Other school activities she is involved in are Latin Club, FCA and the prom committee. She volunteers at both the High School and the elementary school.

After school she stays active participating with the Ebenezer Youth Group, The Youth for Christ Core Program, Youth for Christ, and Monday night Bible study.

After she graduates she would like to either study early childhood education or athletic training.