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Letter: Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision

To the Editor:

Just because the Roe vs. Wade decision has been struck down by the Supreme Court does not mean that it will eliminate abortions. It only means that many abortions will be relegated to unhealthy self-attempts or back-alley butchers, which was the case prior to Roe.


Letter: U.S. Senate candidates

To the editor:

A few years back I read JD Vance’s book, Hillbilly Elegy, and found it very interesting.  But now as he is framing himself as an opponent of the “elites,” I believe that Mr. Vance has forgotten his working class roots. 


Letter: Alumni Band Night invitation

From Bridgette Hoff, Bluffton High School

Hello!! This is the year for the BHS Marching Alumni Band! Please dust off your instruments and join us for a fun night of marching in the band again.

When: Friday, Sept. 16, 2022

We are playing for pre-game.

Here's the schedule! Please join us!! Let us know if you need music.


Letter: Thank you, Bluffton Public Library

From Rebecca Cox, Bluffton

Thank you to our wonderful Bluffton Public Library for their Take and Make projects, sharing ideas and kids crafts/projects throughout the pandemic!! The spring plants you shared continue to bring smiles well into fall.  Thank you!


Letter: About rodeo fireworks

We received the following letter in response to Bill Herr's July 23 article on Bluffton rodeos.

My father Lester Neuenschwander (Niswander – as in Niswander’s Newsstand) and I were responsible for procuring and setting off the fireworks for the July 4th rodeo. We drove a van to the manufacturer near Dayton and returned with aerial bombs of various sizes and material to make ground displays. I remember a large field with a dozen or more very small, widely separated buildings; a way to minimize both injury and  loss of product if something accidentally ignited what was inside.


Letter from Children's Developmental Center of Lima

On behalf of the Board of Directors, staff and students of the Children's Developmental Center of Lima, I would like to thank Beth and Ben Sehlhorst, their family and friends, for the donations to our Center in memory of Kevin

Kevin attended our Center from 2012-2015 and he touched all of our hearts with his smile and personality. We loved our time with him at CDC and were
so very sad to hear of his passing.

We quickly could see that Kevin also touched and inspired many others in your community by the donations that we have received in his memory.

