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von Stein, Scoles, Brown FFA state farmers

Many high school students do not have the time for a job on top of the several extra-curricular activities they may be involved in. But three Cory-Rawson High School students decided to do more than make money with the hours they spent working in or with farm machinery.


15 minutes with Jamie Nygaard

Jamie and Christian Nygaard and their sons

Q: When did you graduate from Bluffton High School?

A: 1995

Q: What did you do after high school?

A: I went to The Ohio Institute of Photography and Technology in Moraine (near Dayton). OIP&T is a tech school and doesn't have dorms, so I got an apartment with someone from my school and got a job at Bravo! Italian Kitchen as a hostess for the first couple years and then was promoted to banquet manager.

Q: What made you decide to settle in Bluffton?


Wait until you taste Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn

Young Elam Suter with sample bags of Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn

"You can never have enough popcorn," laughs Peter Suter.

He ought to know. He's supplied Bluffton popcorn eaters with the stuff for 20 years while in the Bluffton movie theatre business.

If you have a taste for popcorn, this is your lucky time of life. The Bluffton popcorn flavor choices just expanded eight-fold.

In September, DRC Holdings, Inc., operated by Peter and his wife, Kim, launched a new venture: Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn Company at 117 S. Main St., Bluffton. The shop is part of the Shannon Theatre building, also owned by DRC Holdings.


15 minutes with James Pannabecker

James Pannabecker on his farm in Virginia

A regular feature of The Icon is "15 minutes with..." Our first interview is with James Pannabecker ([email protected]).

Hometown: He and his wife, Karen, and their son, Adam, live outside Natural Bridge, Virginia
Bluffton High School, 1970 graduate
Bluffton College, 1974 graduate
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 1978 graduate
Juris Doctor, Master of Regional Planning

When did you leave Bluffton?

