Pandora High School 1910

It was 1910.

William Howard Taft from Ohio was the U.S. president. Women did not yet have the right to vote. The Philadelphia A's defeated the Chicago Cubs in the World Series. Thomas Edison introduced his kinetosphone, which made talkies a reality. Halley's comet is observed photographically for the first time.

Here is a photograph taken by R.E. Basinger of the Pandora High School that year. Sorry to say we have no IDs of students, but if your family has a 100-plus year history in Pandora and if you examine this photo closely you may recognize a great-great grandparent.

Please note the many bow ties - probably tied by hand, the high-lanced shoes and an occasional girl with a large bow in her hair.

And, let's remember to always put the school custodian in a chair in the front center of the photo.