A busy day at the Bluffton swimming pool
If the cold temperatures have you down, this photo may warm you up. It's the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool, which is no longer in existence.
The pool was on the east side of the Buckeye. It is included a bath house, baby pool, larger pool going to 5 or 6 feet, and the Buckeye quarry for persons who could pass a swim test. The Buckeye had three diving boards.
This photo was taken when the pool was new in the mid-1950s. We base that on seeing the small light blue admission stand on the far right side of the photo. Later the admission stand was removed and a newer entrance to the pool was added.
Note what appears to be a grass area near the Buckeye deck. That area was eventually put in cement.
Paul Diller took this photo and it is provided to the Icon by his son, Jim. Our question is how did Paul take this photo? It almost appears that he was standing on the high diving board, or on a ladder outside the pool fence.
Other Icon viewer observations are welcome (comment at at the bottom of this story.)