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Someone turned up the heat

and forgot to turn off the water spigot in January

Someone turned up the heat and forgot to turn off the water spigot last month.

January 2020’s average high temperature was 39.2 degrees and the average low was 27.2 degrees, making the average January temperature slightly above freezing at 33.2 degrees.

Compare those numbers with January’s normal average temperature of 25.4 degrees. 

And,  while most of us don’t remember the snow, January’s total was 5.6 inches. Precipitation was 4.29 inches. Compare that to the normal average precipitation for January of 2.26 inches.


Bluffton PD K9 had a busy year

During one vehicle sniff in particular, K9 Kato alerted on a vehicle and a subsequent search of the vehicle produced 78.43 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 2.94 grams of fentanyl and .18 grams of a methamphetamine/fentanyl mixture

The following report to Bluffton council lists the usage of Kato, the Bluffton Police Department's K9. Sergeant Tyler Hochstetler, Kato's handler, provided details in the report.

With the conclusion of the 2019 calendar year, we want to update you on the Bluffton Police Department’s K9 usage.


Ada's "Super" connection

That "pigskin's" from Ada. Wilson's sent 108 made-in-Ada Super Bowl footballs to the San Francisco 49ers and to the Kansas City Chiefs last week. The arrow points to one of those balls in the screen shot taken from ESPN Twitter during the first quarter of tonight's Super Bowl.

What you need to know about the Coronavirus

From Allen County Public Health Department

Allen County Public Health is closely monitoring this situation and is working with the Ohio Department of Health as well as other state and local public health partners and CDC to respond to this emerging public health threat. The goal of the ongoing U.S. public health response is to contain this outbreak and prevent sustained spread of 2019-nCoV in this country. The risk for getting coronavirus is low unless you have traveled to China within the previous 14 days of becoming ill, or have been around someone ill with the virus.


How your smartphone can affect your sleep

Note: this article is provided by Ohio Northern University Healthwise Pharmacy.
Americans may be getting less sleep than they have in previous years, and it might be because of smartphones.

Lack of sleep isn't just linked to chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. It's also tied to poor academic performance among children, as well as motor vehicle crashes.

Recommended Sleep Times


Weekend doctor: Winter aches and pains

By Thomas Kindl, MD
Blanchard Valley Pain Management
It’s that time of year when we dig out snow shovels out of storage and exchange our shorts for snowsuits. The frigid temperatures and snow-filled driveways can make this season one of the toughest on our backs and achy joints.
