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Bluffton's larkspur plantation

If we didn't know any better, we'd say this photo is right out of a home and garden magazine. You'll find this "field" of larkspur delphiniums behind Bill and Paula McKibben's South Main Street residence.

CG Pro Bikes offers weekly bike rides this summer

Attention all bicycle enthusiasts.

CG Pro Bikes, 18550 State Route 65, Columbus Grove, continues its weekly bike rides and invites Icon viewers to participate.

According to Raymond and Liz Harner of CG Pro Bikes, weekly bike rides start at the bike shop in Columbus Grove at 6 p.m. each Monday.

"We will ride between one hour and one-and-one-half hours," said Ray. "Our invitation is open to bikers of all ages and bike styles. We'll take a slow ride for those interested in taking their time, and a faster ride for more experienced bikers."


July's community meal on the 18th

One community meal takes place in July at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center. The meal is at 6 p.m., Tuesday, July 18.

The Bluffton Baptist Church will provide the meal. Donations will be accepted to support the Bluffton Community Assistance Program's food pantry.


Shirley's offers two flavors of the month in July: "Spicy Jalapeno," and "Berry Cherry"

Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn Co. has two flavors of the month in July, according to Pete Suter. The flavors are "Spicy Jalapeno," and "Berry Cherry."

Suter said this about Spicy Jalapeno: "Find a beach and grab a cold drink before you open your next tin or bag of this popular July flavor. The touch of our classic cheddar creates a smooth entry before the spice of the jalapeno explodes in your mouth. Come to think of it, you probably ought to grab two drinks before you sit down with this one."  


The voice of the swim meet

Jodi Diller is the "voice" of the Bluffton home swim meets this summer. Here she is during Monday's meet with Ada.

Bluffton Community Preschool now accepting 2013-14 enrollment

Bluffton Community Preschool is accepting enrollment for the 2013-2014 school year. 

For a registration package or more information please contact the BCP at (419) 358-0268 or email at [email protected]

Persons may also visit the preschool Facebook page at

