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Triplett Foundation awards $5,000 grant to Child Development Center

Enables the purchase of an outdoor screened area in its playground for infants and toddlers

The R.L. and Etta L. Triplett Foundation, based in Bluffton, this spring awarded a $5,000 grant to the Bluffton Child Development Center, according to Tomm Triplett of Ft. Wayne, Ind., president of the foundation board.

“The grant enables the Center to purchase an outdoor screened area in its infants and toddlers playground area,” he said.

“Without the screen, staff members are required to put sunscreen on each of the children each time they go into the playground area in spring and summer.”


Shirley's 99th birthday party Saturday

Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn Co., 117 S. Main St., Bluffton, celebrates Shirley's 99th birthday on Saturday, June 12, according to Peter Suter.

BOGO bags of popcorn. All sales are donated to charity and a free copy of "Timothy Troyer Tries," book goes with each popcorn purchase.

"All in-store, retail sales will be donated to the Leipsic Community Center," said Suter.


Rudolf, Gotthard and Henry Althaus

Our Swiss connection - part 29

This is the 29th installment in this series. Click here for the previous installment.

Three Althaus brothers Rudolf, Gotthard and Henry, each born in Landschaft, Bretzwil, Canton Basel, Switzerland, came to the America separately in the 1840s and 1850s. The village of Bretzwil is located about 25 miles south of Basel, Switzerland.

Rudolf lived in Bluffton. Gotthard and Henry lived on farms in the Swiss Settlement.


What I’ve learned this year

As a high school columnist on the Icon

By Amelia Alexander
Ada High School Icon columnist

I have learned so much from writing here in the Icon, so I wanted to reflect on this school year and everything that I have learned from this experience so far. 

1-  Giving myself grace and pushing through my own short-comings
I’ve had to learn how to produce two articles a month on top of school and sports. If I really needed to, I could take a break from this column, but I really want to stick with it, so I haven’t. 


Remember the Golden Swingers Band? Check the Senior Citizens Center window

The Theme for the Chamber of Commerce Discovery Day in June is music.

In keeping with that theme, the Senior Center has dedicated its window display to its Golden Swingers Band.  

The band performed from 1979 to 2006. It was Vera Core’s idea to form a band and she served as the first director. Other directors included Carol Lytle, Betty Hitchcock and Bertie Swank. 

Practices were held every Tuesday and there were times when the band had three engagements in one day. All told, they completed over 1,000 programs. 


Library board meets on June 22

The Bluffton Public Library Board of Trustees will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 22, via video conferencing.  To request an invitation for the meeting, please contact Jessica Hermiller, Director at [email protected].  

