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Jeanne's Kitchen, what's cooking Sept. 9-13

Here's what's cooking at Jeanne's Kitchen this week, including breakfast, lunch, Friday dinner, and an Italian street festival on Saturday!


Open at 8:00 a.m. - Serving breakfast all day.


Tomato bisque
Ham, egg and cheese burrito
Mediterranean turkey burger

Broccoli cheddar soup
Perch platter
California BLT with avocado


Bluffton moves to 8-0 with sweeps at La Roche

By: Brittany Roth, sports information assistant

Waynesburg stats  I  La Roche stats

PITTSBURGH, Penn. - The Beavers returned to La Roche College to face the final team in their pool, Waynesburg, on Saturday, Sept. 6. Bluffton was able to get everyone in for all three games in their defeat of the Yellow Jackets, 25-14, 25-14 and 25-23.

Herd of Beavers

It resembles a herd of buffalo charging across the plains. It's really lots of members of the Bluffton University football squad entering the field after the first half break. Bluffton played its first game on Saturday.

This year's Bluffton vs. Pandora rivalry ends in a tie

The 16th annual Riley Creek Rivalry between the Pandora and Bluffton Shuffleboard players was held on Saturday, Sept. 6, at the Bluffton courts.  

For the first time in the history of the friendly competition, the score ended in a tie. In the first round of matches Bluffton opened with an eight to four lead, but Pandora quickly caught up and after four rounds the final score was tied 24 to 24. 

A total of 24 shufflers competed.  Since its beginning in 1999, Bluffton holds an eight to seven lead in the rivalry.


Travis Swank wins Icon football contest Week 2


Five Icon football contest contestants correctly picked 8 games this week and Travis Swank was declared the winner based on being closest in the 2nd tie-breaker, according to Corey Greer, contest judge.

All 5 contestants picked Bluffton to win and all 5 contestants picked Ada to lose. Travis picked Ada to lose by 17-24 points.  All others picked the score to be closer.

