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Taxing for humans and plants

April 15 was a taxing day for most Americans - it was an extremely taxing day for spring flowers. Here's some snow covered daffodils who woke up covered with lots of white stuff.

Community Assistance Program receives $1,500 from Fresh Encounter/Community Markets

The Bluffton Community Assistance Corp. recently received a $1,500 check  from "Making Change" from Fresh Encounter, which is a fundraising campaign that is in cooperation with community markets and great Scott supermarkets.

The funds raised were part of a collaborative effort between Community Markets, local customers and Making Change. Holding the check are Javen Crawfis and Mason Shank with Jaegar Crawfis. They are the sons of Sarah Shank and Jami Crawfis, co-directors of the Community Assistance Corp. 


Monday after Easter is a school make-up day

As the end of the school year gets closer and closer more year-end programs pop up on the school calendar.

Here is a list of events of note for students from the Bluffton High School website:

Make Up Calamity Days:  The following days will be used for make up calamity days: 4/21 (Monday after Easter); 5/30  and 6/2/


Easter Sunday five-course brunch at Mustard Seed Cafe

Mustard Seed Café, 562 N. Main St. Bluffton, will serve an Easter Sunday Five-Course Brunch on April 20 from 10 a.m. -2 p.m.  The regular menu will not be available.  Reservations are suggested: 567-226-1120.


Bluffton vs. Defiance moved to Wednesday

The Bluffton University  baseball team has moved its home game with Defiance from today to Wednesday, April 16 - 4:15 p.m. start at Memorial Field.

Mobile Meals of Bluffton looking for volunteer drivers

Mobile Meals of Bluffton is looking for volunteer drivers to deliver meals. Drivers are needed on the second Monday and the third Friday of each month. Meals are delivered only in the Bluffton community, a task that takes only 30-45 minutes.

Delivering Mobile Meals is a practical volunteer project that helps people in our community.   If you would like to help out with this worthwhile, important volunteer work, please contact Mary Ann Ring, MMH volunteer coordinator, at 419-358-1015, extension 248.

