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Movie review: Just Mercy

The story is very powerful and the film is very effective. Have tissues on hand.

Icon movie review "Just Mercy"
Reviewed by Wilson

JUST MERCY tells the story of civil rights defense attorney Bryan Stevenson (MICHAEL B. JORDAN), who travels to Alabama fresh out of law school to defend a number of prisoners on death row. His most notable client Walter McMillian (JAMIE FOXX), who is on death row for a murder he did not commit. 

Stevenson’s investigation and defense of McMillian uncovers and exposes the corruption and racism that runs rampant through Monroe County’s justice system.


Your second video dive into local history

Swiss Historical Society's weekly video tour with Ron Lora talking about an 1854 barn

Volunteer docents at the Schumacher Homestead, a property owned and operated by the Swiss Community Historical Society (SCHS) of Bluffton and Pandora, were disappointed when the historical facility was unable to open on schedule in early June.

You may watch the video of Ron Lora giving a tour of the barn on the homestead at the bottom of this story -

However, they decided that they show must go on and are now producing weekly video tours of the historical facility.


And the location answer is below

We thought this might be a tough one. It turned out so-so, as a couple viewers responded correctly. This is a window on Neufeld residence hall at Bluffton University.

Check the photo below for a larger view.


Public hearing set July 6

Bluffton Board of Zoning and Building Appeals will hold a public hearing Monday, July 6, at 7 p.m., in the town hall third floor community room.

The discussion centers on a resident at 356 S. Main St. request for a variance. The request is a dimensional variance from the required side yard and dwelling setback for the addition of a carport, according to Bryan Lloyd, assistant village administrator. 


High-wire act

An AEP employee works a high-wire act on Bentley Road. Power poles are being moved to enable the August extension of this summer's pedestrian and bike pathway to proceed. In addition, Allen County Engineer's office extended a waste water line across Bentley. The new pathway will extend from Richland Drive to Riley Street.

It's a small town civics lesson

Bluffton village ordinances now available on the internet

It’s a small town civics lesson, now on the internet.

Thanks for the efforts of Bluffton officials, all Bluffton ordinances are now available online for anyone to read.

The announcement was made at the June 22 council meeting. The meeting's agenda is attached at the bottom of this story.

CLICK HERE to view the ordinance folder, located on the Village of Bluffton website. The project cost $14,000 and has 1,193 pages went printed on a computer printer.

