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Is it one or two uniforms ago?

Yes, it is the Bluffton High School marching band.

And, how many uniforms ago is this?

The photo is of the band marching in the 1986 Bluffton quasquacentenial parade (125th year of Bluffton's founding). Phil Wilson was the director. We see some familiar faces and welcome viewers to make identifications to [email protected].

Dick Boehr took this parade photo.

There's only one family who could have this plate

NYGAARD - There's only one family in Bluffton with that last name. You'll find this plate on a silver-grey Honda Odyssey parked on Anna Circle. It belongs to Christian and Jamie Nygaard.


Pandora UMC Christmas cantata Dec. 11

Pandora United Methodist Church Choir will presents Christmas cantata, “Shout the Good News!” written by Lloyd Larson on Sunday, Dec. 11, during the 9:30 a.m. worship service, according to Rev. Duane Kemberley, pastor. 

The church service and refreshments in the fellowship hall afterwards are open to the public. The choir is directed by Pat Basinger and accompanied by Pat Michel. The church is at 108 E. Washington Street in Pandora. 


A Christmas reflection

Reichenbach and Steiner CPA's holiday window display offers a touching reflection of its Christmas tree when viewed through the office front door, inside the lobby.

Pay library fines with canned good donations to the food pantry

And stop in Monday evening for a little music, crafts and refreshments

Got library fines?

During the week of Dec. 5, Bluffton Public Library offers Food for Fines. This is an opportunity for patrons to have some fines waived while helping the community at the same time.

For each canned good donated during the week, $1 is forgiven from a patron's fines.

Check the flyer and the Food Pantry wishlist for requested items and restrictions. The library is unable to accept items that are expired or damaged.

13 legislative pieces on Bluffton council's Monday agenda

Final reading set to fill in village park pond

In year-end housekeeping action Bluffton council on Monday will act on 13 pieces of legislation, nine of which are by emergency. Council’s agenda, listing those pieces are an attachment at the bottom of this story.

One ordinance, which has caught attention of several Bluffton residents, is the final reading “authorizing and directing that the village park pond be filled in as soon as possible with construction demolition and other legal materials.”

