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University social work majors to trick-or-treat for nonperishable items

Members of the Bluffton University Social Work Club will go trick-or-canning during Bluffton’s trick-or-treat festivities.

Social Work majors will be going door to door asking for donations of canned foods, dried foods and hygiene products from 6-8:30 p.m. on  Thursday, Oct. 27.

Bluffton stories form an earlier era

Wagon and carriage shop on Rail Road Street opened in 1975

Note: The Icon acquired a manuscript titled “A Brief History of Bluffton’s Industrial Developments.” This publication was prepared by the classes in Marketing and Small Business Administration from Bluffton College, under the director of Dr. Howard Raid. Publication date is May 1959. We’ve updated some current addresses so viewers may identify location.

Fisher Brothers
Carriage and Wagon Works

A wagon and carriage shop once operated in Bluffton.

A May 25, 1875, Bluffton News article follows:


A very early Bluffton business card

Readers of the Icon's Maple Grove ghost story will find this business card (we're showing the front and back) of interest.

It's the card of M.M. "Dode" Murray who was one of the Murray quadruplets - the only ones ever born in Bluffton. Here are three, at the time known as the Murray tripletts. Lloyd, the fourth brother died at birth.

The Murray tripletts were nicknamed Med, Hod and Dode. M.M., in the business card, was mayor of Bluffton from 1918 to 1922. He was also for a time, Bluffton postmaster.


Meet CHRS MSN. The Icon spotted this plate on a red Chrysler 300 S in the Mennonite Memorial Home parking lot in Bluffton. It has a Hancock County sticker. If Chris is viewing this, please tell us the meaning of this plate.


Beef and noodle dinner Oct. 28 at St. John’s UCC

St. John's United Church of Christ, Bluffton, will host a beef and noodle dinner on Friday, Oct. 28, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.  

The meal includes homemade noodles, beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, apple sauce, pies and a beverage.  

Prices range from $8 for adults; $5 for children in the 6th grade through college; $4 for elementary school children, and free meals for children through kindergarten age.  

The church is located at 223 W. College Ave., Bluffton.


Historical play “These Shining Lives” shares lessons still being resolved today

Fall drama presented at Bluffton University

“These Shining Lives,” the tragic story of the women who were knowingly poisoned by their employer in the 1920s and 30s while working with radium-laced paint, will be presented as Bluffton University’s fall play Nov. 3-6.

The play is an intimate look at the real-life story of Catherine Donohue, who successfully led a campaign to improve working conditions for future generations.
The cast is ready to share a story that features events which changed the United States for the better.
