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A summer of Tails and Tales

Bluffton Public Library announces its June-July programming

The Bluffton Public Library announces its summer programming. Here's the June calendar and parts of the July calendar.

The library will utilize Beanstack, a Summer Program software, again this year.

On Beanstack, patrons track their reading and completed activities in order to earn badges and tickets. Patrons can then enter their tickets online to compete for awesome grand prizes in their age group.

The ride of a lifetime

Some guys go out with a bang. Some with a fizzle. Tim Closson goes out on a fire truck. Closson was surprised on Friday – however, teachers and students who knew of the plan kept the secret to themselves. The Bluffton fire hook and ladder arrived prior to school letting out for the summer to offer Closson, who is retiring this year, a proper send off. (Mary Pannabecker Steiner photo)

Community VBS set in July at St. Mary's Catholic Church

Registration underway now with a form linked to this story

This summer's Bluffton Community Vacation Bible School is hosted by St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 160 N. Spring St., and it takes place Sunday, July 18, through Thursday, July 22. 

The VBS theme is Rocky Railroad – Jesus' power pulls us through.

Due to the unknowns that covid-19 continues to share, VBS will be delivered in a hybrid format.

All children and their families are invited to participate in outdoor activity stations on Sunday and Thursday nights.

Families are asked to attend in a staggered format to ensure social distancing.


Watch the Bluffton HS graduation video

The 140th Bluffton High School commencement took place indoors on Saturday, May 29. You may watch a YouTube video by clicking here.


Hearing Aids

“These hearing aids don’t work!”  I bet most of us have heard that from someone at one time or another.  Hearing aids have gotten a bad rap for years.  However, there are actually scores of people who successfully wear hearing aids and wouldn’t want to be without them.  Hearing aid manufacturers continually work to improve their size and technology.  Most hearing aids are barely noticeable now, as they are quite discreet and blend in with hair/skin tones.  What most people don’t understand, however, is that hearing aids are like “mini computers” that are worn in or behind their ears.  As wi

Melina Meza, BHS May student of the month

She will attend Bluffton University in the fall

Melina Meza, a member of the BHS class of 2021, is the May Bluffton High School student of the month. 

Melina is involved in many activities including Orchestra, Show choir, Drama club, Flag corps, SADD club, Art club, National Honor Society, and her church youth group. 

Special awards she has received while in high school include the Orchestra Director's Award, Spanish I, II and III class awards, Sociology Class Award, Art Seminar class award and CP English 12 class award.  

