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Just how cold was it?


Not much new to report in the weather. Four of the recent five days experienced lows below zero and the temperature hasn't been above 32 for 10 days.

Here's weather summary for the past 10 days, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer. The summary is in an attachment at the bottom of this story.


Chamber invites you to Wednesday's brown bag roundtable: "How can we improve Bluffton?"

It's rescheduled for Wednesday at noon!

The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce will hold a brown bag lunch roundtable discussion from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12, in the third floor of the town hall. The discussion was originally set for Feb. 5 but was called off due to the weather.

The roundtable's theme continues the chamber's Jan. 17 breakfast discussion of “How can we improve Bluffton?" The discussion is open to any chamber member and Bluffton resident.


Geo-lympics could be the next Olympic sport

Cody Cook, a Bluffton University junior from Clayton, Kan., puts pins in a world map to mark countries named by Trustworthy Ndlovu (back right).

The pinning took place during one of several campus competitions— athletic and academic—held Feb. 7 in connection with the opening of the Winter Olympics.

Ndlovu, a junior from Zimbabwe, rapidly read the names of 30 nations in the geography contest, and Cook and two opponents had to find as many as they could on their respective maps.

One intelligent squirrel

If this squirrel can read and write then we have lots of questions. Dennis Morrison snapped this photo in the backyard of Sam and Janette Reineke's on South Main Street. We suspect that other factors were at work in this photo. Next time you see Dennis ask him for the story. It's probably pretty good.

Weather conditions do not slow down BFR’s Keeping Active schedule


This winter has been dominated by snow and cold conditions, two elements that can entice people to stay inside. At the same time, the extended periods of winter weather have frustrated people who want to get out and move. The BFR’s Keeping Active programs are designed to alleviate this problem. “Even with all the days with poor weather conditions, we are happy to report that individuals and families continue to take advantage of the free walking days, family events, and fitness classes,” commented BFR director, Carole Enneking.


University Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band perform Feb. 16


Bluffton University’s Jazz Ensemble and Concert Band will present the university’s annual winter instrumental concert at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 16, in Yoder Recital Hall. The concert is free and open to the public; a free-will offering will be taken during intermission for music scholarships.

Dr. Adam Schattschneider, professor of music, conducts the Jazz Ensemble, whose seven numbers will include “A Salute to Glenn Miller” and arrangements of “MacArthur Park,” “Frankie and Johnny” and Cole Porter’s “Night and Day.”
