MHCO genealogy seminar, Sr. Center, 7 p.m.
Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio will host another in its continuing serries of seminars, "Embracing Aging with Knowledge" later this month.
The seminar is at 7 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 25, at the Bluffton Senior Center. This program is about researching family history and how to start becoming your family's genealogist.
Debbie Mayes, the speaker, will provide tips on to begin or expand your search for family records, stories and photos.
Mayes has served as historian, president, and vice-president of the Allen County Genealogical Society.
She was the editor of Allen County Ancestry, the newsletter of the Allen County Chapter, O. G. S. from 2003 to 2010 and a genealogy society volunteer at the Elizabeth M. MacDonell Memorial Library in the Allen County Museum and at the Delphos Public Library. She lectures on genealogy and researches for clients.
Due to her own research she has honored her family by having them inducted into the DAR, DUV, the Mayflower Society, First Families of Allen County, Pioneer Families of Hardin County, American Civil War Families of Miami County, Ohio, First Families of Ohio, and Civil War Families of Ohio.
She attends genealogy workshops and seminars and has completed the National Genealogical Society Federal Census Course, the DAR Consultant Course, and the National Genealogical Society American Genealogy course.
She also earned a Bachelor of Science degree in education from Ohio State University. Debbie has been acknowledged as a contributor in Elizabeth Shown Mills' book, Evidence Explained. She is currently writing a book on the Carder family history.
Persons attending the presentation may ask questions to assist in their family history search.
The Bluffton Senior Center is located at 132 N. Main St. There is no cost to attend the seminar, and it is open to the public. Refreshments will be served. For more information can contact Tricia Herrmann at 419-358-1015.