Bluffton University will present “[title of show]” as the May Day musical on Friday, and Saturday, May 4 and 5, at 7:30 p.m. each evening in Yoder Recital Hall.
This playful contemporary show offers audience members a glimpse at the creative process by showcasing a musical about writing a musical. This small-cast production explores themes of creative collaboration, self-doubt and artistic dilemmas that seek to resonate with viewers.
Bluffton University will host its annual Academic Awards Forum at 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 24, in Yoder Recital Hall. The event is free and open to the public.
Students to be honored include graduating seniors in the Honors Program, C. Henry Smith Scholars and Pi Delta inductees, as well as departmental award recipients, who are recognized as distinguished senior scholars. In addition, several seniors will present on their departmental honors projects.
Dr. Jonathan Andreas, associate professor of economics, opened the Civic Engagement lecture at Bluffton University with a simple question: “What makes the world go round?”
“I’m an economist, and I am here to tell you that it is not money,” joked Andreas. Instead, Andreas believes notions of honor hold societies together. “Without some amount of honor, capitalism would fall apart.”
Standing alone on the stage of Yoder Recital Hall, actor Michael Mears, shaking with fear, began to scribble a letter on an imaginary piece of paper. Reciting the words of James Brightmore, a British World War I conscientious objector, Mears revealed the horrors Brightmore was subjected to for refusing military duty. Punishments included solitary confinement in a muddy pit that echoed the horrors of a foxhole.
DELAWARE, Ohio - The Bluffton University men’s and women’s track and field teams traveled to Ohio Wesleyan University to participate in the All-Ohio Championship on Saturday, April 14. A pair of former high school teammates stole the show for the Beavers.
Bluffton University will hold its annual C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest at 6:30 p.m. on April 11 in Yoder Recital Hall.
Students selected to participate will prepare an oration, no more than ten minutes in length, that applies a peace-church perspective to an issue of contemporary concern.