Check out the new Bluffton schools website

Check out the new Bluffton schools website. Click here.

In the meantime, here are some news updates you'll find on the high school page of the news website:

Wrestling pre-season conditioning starts Monday, 11/3 from 4-5:30 in the old HS gym.

There will be a basketball cheerleading meeting at 3:30 on Tuesday in room 300.

There is a sign up sheet on Coach Boblitt's door (room 207) for any boy interested in playing basketball this season. If interested stop by and sign up!

If any students are interested in being in Spanish Club, sign ups will be held during the lunch hour in the cafeteria on Weds & Thurs this week. The cost is $15 which covers dues and admission to a movie.

Tues 10/28:

Today for lunch is grilled chicken sandwich, romaine salad, mandarin oranges, milk ALA-CARTE: Tenderloin Sandwich

Red Cross Blood Drive:  The Red Cross will hold a blood drive at Bluffton High School on Monday, November 24th from 8:30-2:30 p.m. Student's can sign up closer to the date with their English Teacher. The public is invited to attend. Register ahead by calling 1-800-733-2767 or by going online to Use sponsor code "bluffhsoh" when scheduling the appt.

Golf Banquet:  The golf banquet will be held 11/5 at Shawnee Country Club from 6-8:30. Please RSVP to Coach Prater by 10/31. Semi Formal attire is required (boys must wear ties). Rain Jackets must be returned to Coach Prater at the banquet.

Grade Cards: The end of the 1st nine weeks will be Friday, October 31st.. Grade cards will be distributed to students on Friday, November 7th.

2014-15 Yearbooks: Order your yearbook by October 17th so your child doesn't miss out! You can order a yearbook by completing the Yearbook Form (found in the left hand column of this page named "Yearbook Info") and mail in payment with completed form.  Contact Mrs. Cogley if you have questions at

Attention 2014 Graduates:  The yearbooks are in. Stop in the office and pick yours up!



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