David Rodabaugh, Bluffton favorite son, now municipal court judge

One of this community’s favorite sons, David Rodabaugh, is now a Lima Municipal Court judge.
He joins a court stacked with Bluffton connections. Judge Tammie K. Hursh, also a municipal court judge, is from Bluffton. Richard Warren, Bluffton native and former common pleas court judge, is a court magistrate.
Rodabaugh fills a seat left vacant upon the retirement of Judge RicKard Workman. Ohio Governor John Kasich appointed Rodabaugh, a lifetime attorney, who practiced in Lima and Bluffton, to the court.
With a standing-room-only crowd of family, Bluffton residents, business associates, BHS classmates and elected officials, Rodabaugh took the oath of office from State Rep. Bob Cupp. 
The ceremony was Feb. 26 in Court Room 1 of the municipal court, Lima.
Rodabaugh’s family played a role in the swearing-in ceremony. With his wife, Chris, at his side, daughter, Ashley, read the invocation. Daughter, Katie, led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Son, Alex, presented his father with the judicial robe. 
Rodabaugh graduated from Bluffton High School in the class of 1970. His parents are the late Dr. F.D. and Lois Rodabaugh, who were both community leaders.