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It's a strange feeling to ride in a parade...watching the crowd. This happened to me on Nov. 28. As I rode and watched, I spied a guy who I hadn't seen in town for some time. It was Old Man Bluffton. He retired to warmer clims some years ago, but returns now and then to check up on his real estate.

After the parade, I caught up with him in the Senior Citizens Center and was lucky to give him a Bluffton Christmas list.

As you watch the Rose Bowl Parade on television on new year's day, you'll see two talented blind marching units with a Bluffton connection.

The Bluffton Lions Club is a supporter of the Lions White Cane Blind Precision Drill team and the Ohio State School for the Blind (OSSB) Marching Band, which is grouped with the Lions Clubs International float.

Marching in front of the Lions Clubs International float entry "Decades of Service" is the Lions White Cane Blind Precision Drill team from Tustin, Calif. The Lions' entry is eighth in the Rose Parade order of march.

George Lehman, Howard Raid professor of business, will present "Changing Business Practices Among the Amish of Adams County, Indiana," at 4 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15, in Stuzman Lecture Hall in Centennial hall, as part of Bluffton University's Friday Colloquium Series. The event is free and open to the public.
Lehman grew up in Adams County and has always been fascinated by the changes in that community over years.

Rehearsals for Bluffton University's Bach Festival will begin at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 12, in the Gilliom Room of Mosiman Hall. Anyone from high school students to adults who has an interest in singing is welcome to attend.

The chorus, along with orchestra and soloists, will be performing Franz Schubert's Mass in G on Sunday, March 28 at 2:30 p.m. in Yoder Recital Hall. Judy Hall, visiting assistant professor of music, will be the conductor.

Temperatures Dec. 15-21

Date High Low Precipitation

Dec. 15 39 19 trace

Dec. 16 27 14

Dec. 17 36 15

Dec. 18 37 31 trace

Dec. 19 32 24 0.18

Dec. 20 31 24 trace

Dec. 21 30 25 trace

Provided by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer

Ross Kauffman, Ph.D., visiting assistant research scientist and postdoctoral fellow, Indiana University School of Nursing, will present "Not Merely the Absence of Disease: Creating a Healthy World," as part of Bluffton University's weekly Forum series, Jan. 12 at 11 a.m. in Founders Hall. The forum is free and open to the public.

Kauffman is an epidemiologist working in the Training in Research for Behavioral Oncology and Cancer Control program at the Indiana University School of Nursing in Indianapolis.
