Bluffton Exempted Village Schools board--Alice Basinger, Brad Dailey, Roni. Kaufman, Wes Klinger and Jeremy Scoles--will meet at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 16.
The agenda is attached and includes contracts for athletics, substitute teachers, substitute educational aides and cafeteria workers.
The meeting will include an organizational session for 2025 and establishing the calendar for 2025.
EMS Chief job posted, Lima/Allen Building Dept. agreement begins January 1, “2 Decembers” on water bills
By Paula Pyzik Scott
The Bluffton Council held a regular meeting on December 9, which was conducted by Mayor Rich Johnson with all members present.
Prior to Council approving the payment of bills, Council member Ben Stahl asked for information on the results of the audit of water meter reading and billing by Raybern Utility Solutions ($8,156). Assistant Village Administrator Bryan Lloyd reported that no individual reason for water losses was identified but that losses have gone from 38% to 15%.
Council member Phill Talavinia reported on the committee meeting, noting that once applications are submitted they will begin interviewing for the new position of full-time EMS Chief. (The position is posted on )
The Village of Bluffton Council will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, December 9. The agenda (attached HERE) includes the following legislation:
First reading by emergency of an ordinance that begins the process of authorizing the Lima Building Department as local authority for enforcing Ohio building codes, approving plans and specifications, and making inspections.
In October, Village Administrator Jesse Blackburn reported that the Wood County services currently being used are getting busier and struggling to cover all jobs. He noted that the Village was working on ways to cover plumbing inspections in the portion of Bluffton in Hancock County.
Editor's note: The Lima Building Dept. is also known as the Lima/Allen County Building Department.
The Bluffton Council met on Monday, November 25 with Mayor Richard Johnson presiding. There were no individuals present to speak during the public comments section. The Bluffton Icon and Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce were in attendance.
Streets & Lights
Joe Sehlhorst reported on meeting with Dr. Fan Ye from Ohio Northern University about potential Civil Engineering student capstone project topics in Bluffton.