Iconoclast View

The Bluffton Icon provides Civic, Community and Worship listings for local entities on the Classifieds page. This week we have expanded the Civic organizations listing, see below. Please contact The Icon at [email protected] for any organization changes in your listing.

BLUFFTON EMS (non-emergency)
Chief Jan Basinger, 419-358-2066 ext. 293, [email protected]

By Paula Pyzik Scott
Bluffton Icon owner-editor

Here’s a head-scratcher: do Icon readers know the difference between news and advertising? I’ve found myself explaining what’s news and what’s advertising–at least on the pages of the Bluffton Icon and the Ada Icon–several times recently.

While both are posted at the discretion of the publisher, news is provided for the benefit of readers with no financial considerations. The Icon also has a distinctly local focus. For example, you won’t find coverage of the Olympics unless the story has local ties.

Advertising is a service that is purchased by a business, organization or individual. Again, you won’t find ads for Disneyland or diamonds, unless they’re being purchased by a local business or organization.


Is focused on information of current interest to the Icon’s target audience, people who live in the Bluffton and Ada areas or who have a special interest in these places, including former residents.


By Paula Pyzik Scott
Editor of the Bluffton Icon

Can you name the company that is your electric energy supplier?

This past summer I discovered that my participation in the local government aggregation program offered in Bluffton was inadvertently dropped. I wrote about this HERE.

The result of this error was like paying more than a thirteenth electricity bill, as shown by my recent refund.

While all electricity customers in Bluffton have distribution service by American Electric Power (AEP), you can choose a generation company from among a long list found on the Energy Choice Ohio website, you can choose to participate in the Bluffton/Allen County aggregation program or AEP can supply your electric energy at a variable rate.

You could say the aggregation program is an opportunity to have someone else do homework on current rates for you.


By Paula Pyzik Scott, Bluffton Icon owner-editor

When you look at some Bluffton Icon Google calendar entries, you might think we've forgotten how to spell.

The Bluffton Icon moderates real and spam comments on our social media: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Unfortunately, news such as events--especially those with tickets for sale or vendor opportunities--as well as news involving deaths, are prime targets for spammers. On these occasions, the Icon will hide or shut off comments for a post.

By Paula Pyzik Scott

The Bluffton Icon underwent a design makeover in mid-November 2024 and will continue to have other improvements made in the near future.

I'm happy to report that the Google search function located at upper right on the menu bar--which was not responding at all--is improved and we're continuing to work on it.

1) You will get a number of ads at the top of the results; scroll down to blue links.

2) The top hit may not be the most recent; it will be the most popular.
