Bluffton Public Library

Looking for a book group where you don't read a specific book to discuss, but rather meet up to get other readers' opinions on what they are reading and maybe add to your To Be Read list?

Bluffton Public Library is thinking about adding this "No-Obligation Book Group" event periodically on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evening. Everyone would come prepared to recommend their favorite book title(s) read (or listened to) the last couple of months, and the hope is that folks will walk away with some inspiration for what to read next!

The Noon Book Group at Bluffton Public Library meets on Wednesday, February 5 to discuss North Woods by Daniel Mason.

The activity is scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month at noon at Bluffton Public Library, 145 S. Main. Books to be discussed are available for checkout at the library front desk.

UPDATE: New date: January 23

Bluffton Public Library is offering a Watercolor Workshop: Polar Bears with artist Jeanne Crumrine on January 23 from 2:00 - 3:45 p.m.

Crumrine will lead participants in creating their own finished 8" x 10" watercolor art, complete with mat board. $10 fee per person at the door, cash only.

Open to adults and teens, and children accompanied by an adult. Register in advance,

Provided by the Bluffton Public Library, 145 S. Main St., phone 419-358-5016

Winter Read is for all ages and runs from January through March. Pick up a Winter Read Challenge Sheet for your age group, complete it, and stop by the front desk to pick up a small prize!

Galley Book Group - Mixed Titles (R) will meet on Wed., Jan. 15  at noon. This discussion will be of an assortment of Galley books provided by the publishers, scheduled to be published Nov. 2024 or later.

Register for the discussion, pick a book from the Galley Box at the library front desk, read as soon as you are able, and return. Repeat as desired until the discussion date, and always bring the book back and return it to the box so that someone else may read it.

At the discussion, the group will briefly talk about each book read and rate the titles.

December 14 addition:

1) Big Chief by Jon Hickey 4/8/25 There, There meets The Night Watchman in this gripping literary debut about power and corruption, family, and facing the ghosts of the past.

