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The Lima/Allen County Safe Community Coalition reports there were zero fatal traffic crashes on Allen County roadways during April 2023. (Data table)

Thus far, there have been a total of 4 fatalities on Allen County roadways due to traffic crashes in 2023. In comparison, during 2022 there was one fatal crash through April.

PANDORA—Join The Quarry Farm Nature Preserve & Conservation Farm's annual “Spring Migration Hike” on Saturday, May 20 from 8:00-10:30 a.m.

Birders should dress for the weather in earth-toned colors and sturdy hiking shoes that can get muddy. They'll be walking with stops to look and listen for migrating and resident birds. What they see will be documented on Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s ebird and shared with any participants who want to share their email. Bring binoculars and cameras are welcome.

By Paula Scott

On Saturday, May 13, GROB Systems at 1070 Navajo Dr. in Bluffton, opened its gates and doors for a festive community open house. Comments including “I had no idea!” were heard while the Icon toured the facility, which is the North American headquarters for the German company. 

Join us in thanking our Bluffton Icon and Ada Icon advertisers of the week. They make it possible to provide FREE news, updated daily.

Gary's Repair, Power Equipment Sales & Service, 2667 Rd P, Pandora, OH 45877; 419-384-7303

Hays Insurance Agencies, LLC, 202 S Main St, Ada, OH 45810; 419-634-5626

Gardeners of the Bluffton Pandora Area & Monarch Waystation #20217 have announced a "Last Call" to find folks interested in a full sun plot at the Community Garden, 9900 block of S. Main St. On May 17 there was one large 20'x60' plot left, and six 4'x8' Discovery plots left.

Bluffton High School seniors attracted an equal number of onlookers and assistants at the May 15 paint the street night on College Ave. The formerly forbidden, stealthy activity is now celebrated with families and friends. As the evening wore on, many seniors were also covered in paint.
