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Well-Nourished, a new business in Bluffton, will open May 1. Emily Britton, the proprietor, is trained to teach clients how to eat in a way that optimizes their bodies metabolism, energy availability, and immune system.

While doing this, Britton will also teach effective goal setting and overall wellness. The goal of Well-Nourished is to see their clients healthy.

Britton is relatively new to the Bluffton area, however, she is not new to the struggles and difficulties of losing weight, setting goals, and living a healthy lifestyle.

The Bluffton Tree Commission will hold an Arbor Day tree planting at 10 a.m., Saturday, April 30, in the rear of the town hall property. This year the commission will honor retiring mayor Fred Rodabaugh.

The commission will plant a flowering cherry tree in his honor. The program is open to the public.

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Gathered around Sarah Diller (center, as Rona Lisa Perretti) from Bluffton University's production of "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" are (clockwise from lower left) Meghan Sager (Logainne), Zeke Tracy (Leaf), Brian Timpe (Mitch), Kim Rupert (Marcy), Jonathan Luginbill (Chip), Aaron Yost (Vice Principal Panch), Joni Martin (Olive) and Chris Welch (William).

The play will be staged at 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, May 5-7, in Founders Hall as part of the university's annual May Day celebration.

Word is getting out about Bluffton's police department. The word is something that village residents already knew: We have a excellent police force.

An American Red Cross Award now hangs on the wall in the Bluffton Police Department.

Rick Skillier, police chief, informed Bluffton council on Monday that the department was recently recognized by the Allen County Chapter of the American Red Cross.

The Village of Bluffton's North Dixie Highway annexation hearing hit another snag this week. The hearing was set for 10 a.m., Thursday, April 28, in the Allen County courthouse. That hearing is now cancelled.

A letter of explanation is being sent to property owners in the proposed annexation area. That letter follows:

To the Property Owners in the Proposed Annexation Area to the Village of Bluffton

Cellular Central moves

Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting at Cellular Central/Verizon's new location last week. For details click here.
