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Taking home honors from Tuesday^aEURTMs Athletics Awards Forum at Bluffton University were (left to right) Del Gratz, Kim Miller, Shauna Rowland and Rob Luderman.

Bluffton University presented three athletics awards to four recipients on April 19.

Sharing the Kathryn E. Little Award as the university's outstanding senior female athlete were basketball player Kim Miller of Delphos, Ohio, and volleyball player Shauna Rowland of Bucyrus, Ohio.

The third quarter Bluffton elementary school honor roll was released this week. To view the list of students open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

Stratton Greenhouses open for the season

Steve Stratton of Stratton's Greenhouses, 9915 E. Lincoln Highway, stops to smell the flowers in the greenhouse, which is now open for its extended spring house.

Dr. Robert Hewitt

Dr. Robert L. Hewitt, Professor Emeritus of social work at Shippensburg (Pa.) University and a Bluffton University alumnus, will return to Bluffton as commencement speaker on Sunday, May 8. The ceremony will begin at 2 p.m. in Salzman Stadium.

Hewitt, who received his bachelor's degree in social work from Bluffton in 1969, was a member of the university's board of trustees from 1995-2001.

Bluffton University will mark its annual May Day weekend May 5-8 with traditional alumni reunions, student activities and graduation events, as well as a celebration of its social work program.

Featured at "Social Work Pathways," beginning at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, May 7, in Musselman Library, will be social work alumni Dr. Elaine Ragsdale Schott, David Voth and Eva Voth, along with Jennifer Hughes, assistant professor of social work and current program chair.

Bluffton University will host its annual Academic Awards Forum at 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 26, in Yoder Recital Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

Students to be honored include graduating seniors in the Honors Program and Mallori Bontrager, from Wellman, Iowa, who has completed a departmental honors project. She will give a brief presentation on her project in English. Graduating C. Henry Smith Scholars and Pi Delta inductees will also be recognized.
