All Bluffton Icon News

The February newsletter of the Bluffton Lions Club is now available to download on The Icon. Among events planned in the next few weeks by the club is the launching of this year's Corvette raffle.

To view the newsletter open the attachment at the bottom of this file.

The color of ice

Bluffton awoke to ice on cars, sidewalks, streets and trees this morning.

Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS), Findlay, presented its annual Distinguished Physician Award to Thomas Brumley, M.D., at the Physicians' Gala celebration held Feb. 19.

Dr. Brumley practiced as an ophthalmologist in the Findlay area for more than a decade before retiring. He is a member of Trinity Episcopal Church and has volunteered his medical skills through mission trips to Zambia, Mexico and Sierra Leone.

The presidents had their day after all. Monday, Feb. 21, was originally to be a holiday for Bluffton schools. Then, when the school system used its three cancellation days, Feb. 21 was placed back on the school calendar as a "school day."

Not so fast. At 5:56 a.m., the icy weather caused a two-hour delay. Then at 7:49 a.m., Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent, announced school was cancelled due to the ice.

Unless the Ohio legislature acts quickly, Bluffton's spring vacation in March will be cut short.

If you are in the mood for a great murder mystery, and would like to take in a great meal at the same time check out the March 26 event at The Centre, according to Brenda Gaines.

"Our murder mystery dinners have always been a great crowd please," said Gaines. "This is the 11th year the Centre has hosted a murder mystery dinner."

A drama titled "The Anniversary, 'Til Death Do Us Part already," will hit the Centre stage. Early-bird tickets purchased before March 12 are $35 each, two for $65 or a table for eight $240 ($30 each), plus tax.

This column is exclusively for Beaverdam High School alumni. Tracy Steele provided The Icon with a copy of the Winter 2011 "Tattler." It's the newsletter of the Toledo Woodward High School Hall of Fame Association.

What does this have to do with Beaverdam? Keep reading. On April 9 the 29th annual induction celebration of Woodward's Hall of Fame takes place. One of the inductees is Lou Meszaros (posthumous), who was a science teacher and football coach at Woodward.
