"In the next few months we will know more from the new governor on his plan to fund schools over the next two years," writes Greg Denecker, Bluffton school superintendent, in the winter school district newsletter released to residents of the school district this week.
Denecker's first-page column added that what we currently know is that the State of Ohio will be looking to save around $5 to $8 billion depending on which estimate is used for the state budget projections.
A new, more sustainable operating model has been developed by the Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs this year, according to Brendon Matthews, board president.
The BCE has formed a strategic partnership with Bluffton University's Division of Business Studies that will increase the number of mentors serving clients and add administrative support to the organization.
The Bluffton Fire Department is asking for your help. With the recent snows, fire hydrants in the Village of Bluffton have become snow covered, according to Jon Kinn, fire chief.
"The fire department is asking that you help out by clearing the snow around the fire hydrants in your yard or in your neighborhoods," he said.
If you notice a hydrant in your neighborhood that needs cleaned please call 419-358-8606 and press option 1 and leave a message.
Bluffton Public Library will be closed Monday, February 21, in observance of Presidents' Day.
Due dates for library materials will be adjusted accordingly. For more information, visit the library, log on to www.blufftonpubliclibrary.org, check out the library's Facebook page or call 419-358-5016.
An afternoon of jazz and "colors" is in store at Bluffton University's annual winter instrumental concert, at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 20, in Yoder Recital Hall. Featuring Bluffton's Jazz Ensemble and Concert Band, the concert is free and open to the public.
Jazz ensemble
Dr. Adam Schattschneider, professor of music, will direct the Jazz Ensemble in six numbers, including a "Tribute to Miles" comprising four songs by the late trumpeter and composer Miles Davis: "So What," "All Blues," "Seven Steps to Heaven" and "Milestones."