Note: Rudi Steiner of Homewood, Illinois, is a 1961 BHS graduate and older brother of the Icon creator.
Tell me something you never wrote home about?
I couldn't tell mom and dad then and I can't tell you now.
Well maybe that I've heard gun shots a couple of times and maybe I have been shot at once.
Here's a popular Bluffton couple taken at least 1 year ago. Just kidding. Paul Diller took this photo of Darvin and Evelyn Luginbuhl when? At their wedding? At a Bluffton College May Day? Let's ask Darvin or Evelyn, or Gregg for the answer.
How many Icon viewers had either of these two as a teacher?
Let's see how absorbed you are in Bluffton. Here's a quiz -sorry, no prizes - centering Bluffton 2010 and 2011. Let's see what you know. Each question is worth 1 point. Two bonus questions are available. You may choose which one you wish to answer. It is worth 3 points.
If you play this at a new year's eve party and enter into any disputes over answers do not call The Icon. Settle it yourselves.
Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce will launch 2011 informing its members about social media and how to take advantage of this new and expanding technology.
Ryan Lowry, Bluffton High School graduate and senior marketing major at Ohio Northern University, will discuss social media at the 7:30 a.m., Friday, Jan. 14, chamber breakfast. Richland Manor provides the breakfasts for the 2010-11 season.