All Bluffton Icon News

Up on the housetop

It's perhaps Bluffton's largest Santa. You'll find this guy at the Weisenbarger house at 550 S. Main St.

Note: Robert Kreider, now of North Newton, Kansas, has a special place in his heart for Bluffton, Ohio. Here are some of his thoughts at Christmas.

At Christmas time boyhood images of a Bluffton of more than 75 years ago come surging out of my past. In my ripe old age, I savor these scraps of memory. Speaking of "ripe old age," how does one know when he or she has become "ripe"? Relax for this flow of nostalgia:

Luther and Geneva Shetler hold their wedding photo from 70 years ago

You do the math: Luther and Geneva Shetler were married Dec. 22, 1940. So, 2010 minus 1940 equals, that's right, wedding anniversary number 70 this year.

Living in their 10535 Augsburger Road, Bluffton, home, they reminisced earlier today about their wedding seven decades ago.

"We were married at Eighth Street Mennonite Church, Goshen, Indiana, by J.E. Hartzler, who was interim pastor there," recalls Luther. Members of the wedding party were Joe Weaver of Goshen, best man, and Zelma Stamm of Archbold, Geneva's sister, as maid of honor.

Anyone have any ideas on the meaning of this plate? The Icon spotted it in the Family Dollar parking lot.

The Bluffton Icon and Common Grounds Coffee Shop recently teamed up for yet another fantastic contest. This one is simple, and Phil and Fred guess that you've never played it before.

Simply guess how many Icon coffee beans fit in this jar. The winner will be featured in an Icon 15-minute interview, plus may go home with a hearty congratulations from Common Grounds.

Here's how you enter. Stop in Common Grounds. Check out the coffee jar. An entry form is available at the shop. Enter and wait until New Year's day 2011 (actually Jan. 2) to discover if you've won.
