All Bluffton Icon News

Trevor Meyer

Trevor Meyer, Bluffton, a junior in the Manufacturing Engineering Tech program at Apollo Career Center, will travel to Kansas City, Mo., in June to compete in the National SkillsUSA Competition.

Meyer is one of a three-member team who achieved best in the state status in the Automated Manufacturing Category. The team used software programs Inventor and MasterCam to draw parts, and then produced the parts working from two blueprints on a CNC machine.

George Lehman, Elizabeth Raid, Don Pannabecker

Bluffton remembers Raid as educator, innovator, entrepreneur
When Howard Raid came to Bluffton College in 1947 to teach economics and business, he was told to expect a geography class added to his teaching load, based on the low number of students anticipated in business courses.

But 50 students-about one-sixth of Bluffton's total enrollment at the time-signed up for economics courses, and the first business and economics department at a Mennonite college was poised for growth.

Aaron Lutz, son of Scott and Lani Shumaker, Bluffton, is participating in a cross-cultural experience in Guatemala, May 12-June 2.

Bluffton University students will explore the integration of ancient Mayan culture and modern life and learn about the nation~Ac^a'not^a"cs civil war by spending time in its capital, Guatemala City, and rural areas. They will experience bustling markets full of locally-made crafts, visit cooperatives and learn how the crafts are made, travel to ancient Mayan ruins, practice Spanish and learn to appreciate rural life and work during a home-stay.

Note: The Icon offers this column as a first in a series. Brendon Matthews is the writer and this is from his blog located at:

Patrick Paule of Bowling Green (right) talks with three Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce members following the May 14 chamber breakfast in the town hall. From left are Phil Zimmerly, Bob Neff and Luke Young. Paule, employee benefits advocate of Savage Benefits Group, Bowling Green, addressed the chamber. Over 60 persons attended the breakfast, which focued on Health Care Reform legislation. First National Bank sponsored the breakfast.

AEP issued the following storm alert: Severe thunderstorms containing damaging winds are likely to impact portions of I&M Power and AEP Ohio later today and tonight. The disturbance that produced a squall line in Tulsa, Oklahoma early this morning is now crossing Missouri. While the squall line has diminished, the disturbance will continue to track through Indiana and northern Ohio this afternoon and tonight.
