You've read or overheard in conversations with the guy ahead of you in the grocery line about several new laws in Ohio. These range from having your lights on when your car's window wipers are at low or full speed. Then there's the wide range of insurance laws.
What's a good Ohioian to do? So many rumors. Which laws are real? Which are bogus?
And worse, what are the potential penalties? The Icon to the rescue! Want the straight scoop? It's easy. Click here for the new laws.
His wife, Mary, prepared the most divine breakfast rolls of 2010 for our family. Greg dropped off this artistic work on his way to church. Ah, now for a good cup of coffee. The day - heck, the week - will be complete with this combination: hot rolls and coffee. The problem is, I can't make a decent cup of coffee. Can't put my finger on the reason. But my coffee rests in the C- grade range. I know this because no one will drink it. Not even my daughters.
Sometimes you can figure out license plate meanings by initials, or numbers, but this one's curious. What does it mean? We're working on it but aren't getting anywhere.
By Wendy Chapell-Dick
Andy and Wendy Chappell-Dick and Jonah Agner travelled to New Orleans in early December to do some volunteer re-building. These are their observations on the situation in New Orleans: