Various federal tax forms and instruction booklets have arrived at the Bluffton Public Library. The library carries the most commonly-used tax forms for individuals, including the 1040, 1040A, and 1040EZ forms. Business/employer forms, including W-2, W-3, and 1099 forms, can be ordered directly from the IRS website at:,,id=23108,00.html
Okay, let's see, you graduated from BHS in what, 95? 96?
I graduated from Bluffton High School in 1995 and Bluffton College in December 1999.
Share some interesting stories about growing up in Bluffton. Favorite teachers, classes, friends, funny things that happened along the way and stay in your memory.
Welcome to The Icon clue hunber number one. It's a test run. No prizes. It's a prototype to work out the kinks. We invite Icon viewers to try this clue hunt, react to us and in early 2010 we will launch a hunt on a regular basis with prizes. So, imagine there are prizes for this one, try it and see how it works.
St Mary's Catholic Church will host this year's "Longest Night" service. The service is at 7 p.m., Monday, Dec. 21. The Bluffton Area Ministerial Association sponsors the service. The evening offers an opportunity for persons who have had a difficult time this winter, or for persons who are experiencing deaths in their families, to attend.
The service includes moments of silence, singing of hymns and lighting of candles. The service is open to the public.
Bluffton churches are invited to submit Christmas eve and Christmas day church services to the Icon. Material may be e-mailed to:
The Bluffton Presbyterian Church will perform a cantata on Christmas eve. The cantata is "Rise Up, A New Light A Comin'". The cantata will feature soloists Don Brauen and Amanda Rhonemus. The service is at 7 p.m. with a 30-minute music prelude, which includes several numbers of youth of the congregation.
Bluffton High School senior, Joel Groman, is the December BHS student of the month. He has served as a class officer as a freshman, sophomore and junior. He is a member of the Math Club, math team, Students Against Dangerous Decisions (SADD), concert band, marching band, pep band, Latin Club, Drama Club, Campus Life, St. John youth group, Renaissance Committee, Student Senate, National Honor Society, and is an Eagle Boy Scout.