All Bluffton Icon News

Four more of the Icon's favorite photos from 2022, from May-July.

Bluffton First United Methodist Church, 116 Church Street, will host an American Red Cross Blood Drive

Thursday, December 29
10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

To schedule an appointment,

Call 1-800-REDCROSS

or visit and enter fumcbluff

For information on who may donate blood, visit

The following items were shared in December 2022 by Ohio Division of Wildlife officers in Northwest Ohio:

During waterfowl season, State Wildlife Officer Levi Farley, assigned to Paulding County, was patrolling after a heavy snowfall. Officer Farley contacted a group of four waterfowl hunters in layout blinds and checked for licenses, Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamps, HIP certification, and federal Migratory Bird Hunting Stamps. Later, Officer Farley noticed a mail carrier’s vehicle stuck in deep snow and activated his overhead lights to inform oncoming drivers of the hazard. With help from the waterfowl hunters he had just checked, Officer Farley pushed the vehicle back onto the roadway. The mail carrier was grateful for the officer’s and hunters’ help. 

By Nathaniel Ratnasamy, MD
Infectious Disease & Travel Medicine

Winter season can be a season of joy with the gathering of families and friends for the holidays, but it can also become the season of spreading respiratory infections. While most of the time, respiratory infections are mild nuisances for healthy people, influenza, RSV and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) can lead to consequences that are more serious for those with chronic illnesses. COVID-19 has been linked to about 200-400 deaths a day in the past several months. Blanchard Valley Hospital has seen hospitalizations go from single digits to the teens in the past few weeks. Hospitalization for influenza has also increased. Influenza in a typical year is associated with 25,000 to 50,000 deaths.

Here are four photos from early 2022. They aren't the most important stories of the year, they're simply some of our favorites.

New Year's caroling with the Swiss Community Historical Society returns to the Bluffton-Pandora area, after a three-year break. You are invited to join in the singing at Mennonite Memorial Home, Maple Crest and Willow Ridge.

Carolers will sing the traditional German carols composed by schoolteacher David Rothen nearly 200 years ago. Singing will be in both German and English, and music will be provided.

You are encouraged to join the group whether or not  you know the songs; they are easy to learn. Please note that masks are required in all of the buildings to be visited.

Singers will rehearse briefly in the lobby of Mennonite Memorial Home at 410 W. Elm Street in Bluffton, at 2:15 p.m. Saturday, December 31, 2022. Singers are asked to arrive early to allow for the required COVID screening for entering the building.

Next, the group will go to Maple Crest and Willow Ridge on Augsburger Road west of Bluffton for further caroling.

This event is sponsored by the Swiss Community Historical Society of Bluffton and Pandora,
