All Bluffton Icon News

By Karen Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

Health strategies have recommended both an aspirin a day or an apple a day to keep the doctor away.  What are the benefits and risks of these strategies in managing your health? 

From Ryan DeMarco, CRPC™
Edward Jones Financial Advisor, 111 N. Main St., Bluffton, 567-226-4506

Now that it’s the holiday season, gifts are probably on your mind – and you might intend for some of those gifts to go to charities. Although your intentions are good, you could be shortchanging both your recipients and yourself with your method of giving. But with some guidance, you can make choices that work well for you and those charitable groups you support.

December 3 at Senior Center

“Four guys walk into a Bluffton bank,” a collection of stories about the Aug. 14, 1933, John Dillinger robbery of Citizens National Bank, will be released in time for Christmas gift giving.

Fred Steiner compiled the 20-page, 5,000-plus word booklet, which will be available during a book signing from 10:30 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Dec. 3, at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center, 132 N. Main St.

This is the first time these stories are in one collection. Copies are $10 each.

“This collection contains genuine accounts of what took place during the most infamous Bluffton 20th century event,” said Steiner.

Bluffton News editor Ted Biery witnessed the robbery, watching it unfold as he hid behind an automobile on Main Street. His lengthy and detailed Bluffton News account is part of this collection.

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By Andy Chappell-Dick

The Village council’s second regular meeting of November featured routine business matters, with only a few curve balls thrown in. But that's what makes it worth attending. I refer readers wanting an official summary to the minutes. At risk of stating the obvious, this writeup is not official. Readers wanting hot takes and input on the workings of our Village need to join me in the peanut gallery. Second and fourth Mondays at 7:00, folks!


The Icon's December 2022 coloring page is a snippet of characters and details from the Ream Folk Art Display at the Bluffton Presbyterian Church at Main and Cherry. Print, color and share with friends and family! Print version HERE.

Enter by December 2 / Decorate by December 5

Decorating for the holidays? The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce has a prize for that. The chamber sponsors a residential holiday lighting contest to help spread the Blaze of Lights spirit throughout the village.

$1000 in Chamber Bucks will be awarded in 2022.  There will be five categories each with a $200 prize.  They are:

Best Overall

Best Lights

Best Decorations

Mayor’s Choice *

Chamber Choice *

To be considered for the Best Overall, Best Lights, and Best Decorations categories, an email including your name, address and phone number must be sent to [email protected] with the subject line “Residential Lights” or mail to Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 142, Bluffton, OH 45817 by December 2nd.

