All Bluffton Icon News

Four staff members at Bluffton Elementary School have been rewarded for being physically active role models for students. The school is the Northwest OHSAA district region winner in the Health Action Council’s Healthy Kids Fall Step It Up Challenge.

Bluffton is among six schools receiving $1,000 for achieving the most steps.

Bluffton EMS Chief Jan Basinger provided the following activity report for local volunteer crews during October 2022.

The Bluffton University men's basketball team will return four starters when the Beavers attack the hardwood this season. COVID-19 and other injuries slowed Bluffton and snapped its string of four consecutive Heartland Conference tournament berths.

Crime Victim Services will hold an information session on becoming a volunteer guardian in Allen County from noon to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.

Volunteer guardians serve adults who are found to be incompetent of making important life decisions and who do not have an appropriate support person in their life to make such decisions. 70% of protected persons with a CVS Volunteer Guardian are survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault.  

The office of the Bluffton Icon and Ada Icon will be closed on Veterans’ Day, November 11, 2022.

Please send your news, letters and advertising information 24/7 to [email protected].

You may leave voice messages at 567-400-ICON (4266).

An April 24, 2023 trial date has been scheduled for Emin Johnson, the driver of a car that struck and killed Bluffton police officer Dominic Francis on March 31, 2022. The date was scheduled on Wednesday in Hancock County Common Pleas Court, according to a Lima News report on November 9. Ten counts ranging from involuntary manslaughter to improper handling of firearms are part of the indictment.
