August 2013

The Northwest Ohio Bullfrogs will host a 10U and 11U baseball tryouts for its 2014 travel teams on Sunday Aug. 18, at 3 at the village park in Bluffton. Contact Ryan Koenig  at 419-420-5450 with any questions.

Bluffton-Beaverdam-Richland Township United Way work night is rescheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 20, according to Linda Fleming. The event is at 6:30 p.m. in the Bluffton middle school cafetorium.



This year's crackdown runs from Aug. 16 to Sept. 2

Drunk driving crashes continue to take the lives of thousands of innocent men, women and children on America's roads every year-consistently accounting for approximately 1 in 3 motor vehicle crash fatalities annually.

Law Enforcement across the nation are counting on you to join them in this year's highvisibility enforcement campaign, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.


Once upon a time in Bluffton there was Crow's 5 and Dime. It was originally on South Main Street in what today is the lobby of Citizens National Bank. It later moved to what today is Grove's Bears store. 

Here's an advertisement for Crow's from the 1970 Bluffton High School yearbook.

Can Icon viewers identify the three women in the photo?

The Bluffton Icon has openings for Bluffton High School and Middle School interns this school year, according to Fred Steiner.

The Icon seeks students with a variety of interests for these non-paid positions that offer lots of experience. Students interested in writing, photography and who have knowledge of social media are encouraged to contact Steiner.

Several intern positions are available. For example, students with an interest in movies or music are invited to write movie and music reviews. These writing projects allow students to write opinions using pen names.

Rebekah Gambrell’s grandfather, Harley Steiner, gave Rebekah her first airplane ride when she was in grade school. The ride departed from and landed at the Bluffton Airport.

That ride helped Gambrell, 37, of Bluffton become interested in aviation. When she was in ninth grade she took a trip to Spain and she was hooked.

The first half of this month has provided both warmth and a touch of fall in the evening temps.

According to Pandora weather observer Guy Verhoff, in the days from August 1 through August 12 the highest temperature recorded was on August 7 at 84 degrees (F).  The lowest was recorded as 55 degrees on the overnights of August 2, August 4 and August 5.

There has been little precipitation, save for the inch plus of rain recieved on August 2. 

The Pandora United Methodist Church will be hosting a free Community Meal on Wednesday, August 28 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the church fellowship hall, 108 E. Washington Street, Pandora.

The meal this month is provided by the Mission Committee and will be shredded chicken sandwich, chips, relishes, dessert and beverage.

Galen Burkholder, International Director and founder of Global Disciples, will speak at St. John Mennonite Church, 15988 Road 4, Pandora, on Wednesday, Aug. 21, on the topic "Hope in the Hard Places." 

There will be dinner and program at 6 p.m. Global Disciples trains church planters and pastors with an innovative model that empowers indigenous churches to use "what is in their hands."  

Then these trained believers can access hard-to-reach communities through small business while preaching the Gospel and planting churches.
