May 2015

What do we give Mother on Sunday?

For some, that question haunts both child and spouse. Not to worry. There are plenty of options available in Bluffton for Mothers Day gifts.

The Icon suggests checking out any of the Icon advertisers.

• Click here for our advertiser index. (It even includes web links and phone numbers.)

For example, Family True Value Hardware has 12-inch wrought iron hanging baskets as one of its bargains of the month.

• Stratton Greenhouses has lots of plants and garden supplies.

A borrowed sawhorse that was broken, and replaced, without the director knowing what had happened. A dead character wheeled off on a dolly, to applause, during a scene change. A rented backdrop coming down during a change and winding up in a pile on the floor backstage during the show.

Those were just a few of the memories—most humorous, others more serious—evoked on May 2 for current and past directors of Bluffton University’s May Day theatrical productions, which date to 1915.

Bluffton University is hosting an all girls' basketball skills camp June 29 - July 2. Girls entering grades 2, 3 and 4 from 9 a.m.- noon, $50.

Girls entering grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 - 1 p.m.-5 p.m. $65.

For more information please contact Bri Calver at 419-358-3451 or via email at [email protected].

The story of a house fire south of Ada on Monday evening is unraveling into a tragedy on several levels.

The fire resulted in the discovery of the existence of an active methamphetamine (meth) lab. In addition, one person is in critical condition. Another is charged with complicity to illegal manufacturing of drugs, and four juveniles are placed in custody of Children’s Services.

Ada’s fire department responded to a 6:30 p.m. fire alarm at 4781 State Route, Apartment A, south of Ada, on May 4.

Life after graduation can be a confusing and stressful transition for many college students, but Dr. Karen Longman believes the secret to life can be summarized in one interjection: WAHOO!

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” asked Longman, quoting poet Mary Oliver May 3 at Bluffton University’s 115th annual commencement ceremony.

Bluffton’s busy summer continues on Saturday, May 16, with the 44th annual chamber-sponsored Arts and Crafts show.

This year’s event includes up to 70 booths featuring area crafters plus Bluffton businesses. The show, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. will stretch along Main Street from Elm Street to the post office.

Bluffton Community Swimming Pool will open on Monday, May 25, Memorial Day.

Admission prices are the same as last summer:
• Single daily admission $3
• Single season pass $80
• Family season pass $130

The Allen County Park District levy passed on May 5. by a 4,447 for and 3,696 no, for a 54 percent plurality.

Here's the area precinct vote:

Beaverdam            15 for         12 against
Bluffton A                111            24
Bluffton B                 93            20
Bluffton C                 50            19
Richland A               41            38
Richland B               41            28

On Saturday, May 9, letter carriers in Bluffton and Beaverdam will participate in the Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. The nationwide food drive is the largest one-day food collection in the country, filling food pantries and food banks.

To participate, place non-perishable food items or paper products and or toiletries in bags and leave by your mailbox early Saturday morning or drop them off at the Bluffton post office.
