May 2017

Members of the Bluffton High School yearbook staff during the 1963-64 school year.

Front from left, Karen Schmidt, Gayle Gerber, Larry Grant, sports editor, Karen Diller, typist; Joyce Eikenbary, typist.

Back from left, Garth Gerber, photographer, Jane Herr, copy editor; Jayne Barnett, Kay Motter, Sue Marshall, Jeanne Waidmann, Karen Mericle, typist, Mr. Kauffman, advisor.

Missing: Beth Balmer, layout editor, Susan Lehman, Jim Sheets, Anne Bucher, senior editor.

This can only mean that there's a Hemi engine under the hood. The Icon spotted this plate in a Bluffton University parking lot on a dark blue Dodge Magnum RT.

University ultimate Frisbee reunion June 24

The 2017 Bluffton University Ultimate Frisbee reunion will be held 3-6 p.m., Saturday, June 24, on the Mussleman Library green.

This free event is a chance for alumni, current students and faculty members to participate in a family-friendly Ultimate Frisbee tournament either as a player or a spectator.

Intended for seniors and families

"Talking to loved ones about death is always difficult," said Tonya Meyer, Bluffton Senior Citizens Center director.

The Center hosts an End of Life Seminar at 6 p.m., Thursday, June 8, to help enable these discussions. "This seminar is intended for seniors and their families. Come when you can and stay as long as you like," said Meyer.

The evening includes presentations from attorneys, accountants, funeral directors and other professionals. These speakers are available to chat one-on-one plus speaking on the following topics:

Parade, Maple Grove ceremony, chicken barbecue

Bluffton's Memorial Day observance is Monday, May 29. Here is information about the day from the Bluffton American Legion Post 382.
• Anyone wishing to be in the parade, be in line by 9:15 a.m.
• Time of the parade: 9:30 a.m.
• Parade line up: Bluffton town hall
• Ceremonies: Maple Grove Cemetery

• Memorial Day speaker: Tim Wilmetta, pastor of the Bluffton First United Methodist Church and chaplain for the 489th Civil Affairs Battalion, Knoxville, Tennessee.

BHS runners continue to hold five regional meet records - see the list

Bluffton High School boys’ track team advances six athletes to the Division III state track and field meet this week in Columbus.


BHS boys finished third in the Tiffin regional. The top five team places follow:

1 – Eastwood, 84 points
2 – Montpelier, 41 points
3 – Bluffton, 38 points
4 - Liberty Center, 29 points
5 - Patrick Henry, 28 points          

The following team members advance:

You'd think it was the last day of school.

It was.

Interested in watching two minutes go by after the elementary bell rings for the final time in the 2016-17 school year?

CLICK HERE sit back and enjoy. Or, scroll down and click on the video.

The Bluffton High School boys' track team finished three points from runner-up in the Division III regional meet at Tiffin.

Click here for all meet results.

Silver Sneakers pickleball is coming to Bluffton Family Recreation on Thursday mornings in June.

Play takes place from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., according to Joseph Beagle, BFR director.

Pickleball is free for Silver Sneakers members, and $2 for non-Silver Sneakers members.

For more information contact BFR, 215 Snider Road, Bluffton, or call 419-358-4150.

Bluffton University’s 20th annual Alumni and Friends Golf Scramble will be held on Saturday, July 15 at Colonial Golfers Club in Harrod.

Registration for this event is $90 per person or $360 per team. This cost includes greens fee, cart and lunch. To attend the lunch only is $10. Check out the website for more information or contact Coach James Grandey at [email protected] by July 7 to register.
