Everyone who attended Bluffton’s second community chili cook off liked it, hot, mild or otherwise.
According to Lynda Best, one of the organizers, over 150 persons went through the chili line, which provided an assortment of chili while raising over $1,000 for the Bluffton Community Assistance Program’s food pantry.
Andrew Raeburn and his parents, Beth and Ray, recently spent an hour with Professor Tim Byers’ Introduction to Mild Moderate Disabilities class at Bluffton University.
The class of 51 is made up of education majors, speech language pathologists, psychology, social work, and a few other majors accoding to Byers.
A gluten and food allergy support group is active in the community and invites persons interested in learning more about these issues to join in the group's month meetings.
The support groups meets the fourth Monday of each month (date change in May and no December meeting). Those 2018 meetings are: Feb. 26, March 26, April 23, May 21, June 25, July 23, Aug. 27, Sept. 24, Oct. 22 and Nov. 26. All meetings are in the Bluffton Public Library starting 6:30 p.m.
Victoria Zeits of the group explains its purpose this way:
The Gardeners of the Bluffton/Pandora Area (GBPA) present a program of interest to gardeners at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 6, in the Bluffton Public Library, according to Victoria Zeits, president of the club.
The program, open to the public, is on phenology. That is the study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena in relation to climate and plant and animal life.
Allen County Master Gardener Volunteer Mark Simmons will explain how to use the on-line OSU Phenology Calendar to help predict when plant and insect activity occurs in our area.
Allen and Hardin for Election Action and Democracy (AHEAD), a local citizen advocacy group, will hold its one-year anniversary celebration from 6 to 8 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 24, in the Bluffton town hall.
"Over the past year, AHEAD has helped elect candidates, organized rallies, advocated for redistricting reform, and recruited hundreds of members," according to Maya Fischhoff of the organization.
Bluffton High School girls' basketball team defeated Ft. Jennings 53-37 in the Division IV sectional opener on Wednesday. The Pirates face Columbus Grove next. More at www.blufftonpirates.com
Expect the unexpected. That was the overarching message from Bluffton University students who shared stories of life-altering experiences from Guatemala, Washington, D.C., Ecuador, Jordan and Spain during several Cross-Cultural Forums held Feb. 6 and Feb. 13.
Expect the unexpected. That was the overarching message from Bluffton University students who shared stories of life-altering experiences from Guatemala, Washington, D.C., Ecuador, Jordan and Spain during several Cross-Cultural Forums held Feb. 6 and Feb. 13.
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Bluffton’s 3- and 4-year-old youngsters need to remind their parents to enroll them now in Bluffton Community Preschool for the 2018-19 school year.
According to Christine Clymer, preschool board president, several class options are available.
Morning classes are from 8:05 to 10:45 a.m. Afternoon classes are from 12:05 to 2:45 p.m. Those options offer classes either two days each week, or three days each week.
The Bluffton Lions Club seeks nominees for the 2017 citizen of the year.
The award was established in 1981. It honors a person, couple or someone representing a group who has selflessly given time, effort and talent for the benefit of those in the Bluffton area and whose dedication and achievements have profoundly improved the quality of life of the people of the area.
The nominee may be living or deceased (within the last year). The winner will be honored at a banquetheld at the Bluffton town hall at 6 p.m., Tuesday, April 17.