Two earlier structures burned; safe blowers ignited a 1901 fire
By Fred Steiner
A piece of Bluffton history disappeared this week with the demolition of the former Bluffton Farmers’ Grain mill.
The mill was among one of the longest continually operated businesses here. Joseph Deford, Shannon founder, operated a lime kiln and a grist mill in the 1830s. At the same time the Siddall family started a saw mill.
Both those businesses were operated thanks to the flowing water power of Riley Creek.
Here’s a history of the Bluffton Farmers Grain mill, roughly connected to that 1830s Deford enterprise. This history’s focus covers the business from 1886 until a 1934 fire.
Grist mill
The Bluffton grist mill, one of the successors of Deford’s grist mill, was purchased by Siddall and Son, and later purchased by the Steiner Brothers in 1870.