Town Hall Children's Concert with Bryan Moyer Suderman

Bluffton Town Hall Concert Series: Original Music to Delight Children and Adults

The Village of Bluffton will host Bryan Moyer-Suderman on the third floor of the historically restored town hall. Audiences respond to the warmth of Bryan~Ac^a'not^a"cs voice, the contagious nature of his original songs, and his signature interactive style of singing and song leading.

Bryan Moyer-Suderman started his music career as a college student in a Latin American Folk Band, and since then he has traveled many roads as a musician, touring across North America and performing around the world. He has worked with exclusively as a professional musician for seven years, writing songs for churches and a variety of folk music for both children and adults. His music has been described as contagious "stick in your head" melodies, warm and invitational... songs that get you singing along and then, once you're singing, make you suddenly stop and go "Ah!..." Moyer-Suderman is visiting Bluffton from Southern Ontario, where he lives with his wife and son.

Moyer-Suderman will perform two sets of music:

The first, beginning at 6:30pm, will be a Biblically based interactive sing-along concert which is especially child-friendly: songs of faith for small and tall.

After an intermission, with the chance for families with younger children to head home for bedtime, there will be a second set beginning at 7:45pm, with stories and songs of community, struggle, humor and hope in a more reflective singer/songwriter vein.

For samples of Bryan~Ac^a'not^a"cs music, see the "downloads" page of his website

"The kind of music that, when your kids sing it back to you, it challenges you and makes you think..."

"... our kids request your music all the time, and we love it too! The kind of music that we (as adults/parents) love as much as our kids..."

"... bridges categories that we often assume to be mutually exclusive - eg: "praise and worship"/"peace and justice," "songs for kids/adults,""worship music/folk songs," etc....

Contact: Wendy Chappell-Dick, Cultural Affairs Committee of the Village of Bluffton, [email protected], 419-303-9769
Donations gratefully accepted

Thursday, June 17, 2010