Music boosters barbecue, MS, 4:30-7 p.m.

Tickets are now on sale for this year's Bluffton Music Boosters chicken barbecue and shrimp dinner planned Friday, March 23, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. (or sell out) at the middle school cafetorium.
Pre-ticket sales are underway at $6.50 per ticket ($7 after March 16). Tickets are available at Greg's Pharmacy and at the middle school and high school offices. This year's meal includes one-half chicken (or seven pieces of shrimp), potato salad, applesauce, dinner roll and a drink.
All proceeds benefit the Bluffton Music Boosters. For more information open the attachment at the bottom of this story.
The schedule of performances follows:
4:00 - 4th, 5th Grade Strings
4:15 - 7th Grade Choir
4:30 - 5th Grade Band
4:45 - 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Strings
5:10 - 8th Grade Choir
5:25 - 6th Grade Band
5:40 - 4th Grade Recorders
5:55 - 6th Grade Choir
6:10 - 7th 8th Grade Band
6:30 - High School Strings
6:50 - Freshman Choir
7:10 - High School Band
7:35 - High School Choir
7:55 - Men's Chorus/Chamber Choir
8:15 - Show Choir
8:45 - Jazz Band

Friday, March 23, 2012