8 Superiors advance to state

8 Superiors advance to state

Eight Bluffton eighth graders received Superior scores at the district science fair March 13 at Ohio Northern University. The superiors advance to the state competition in Columbus. Five students receive an Excellent score. (Students are not standing in the order, which they are listed.)

Students receiving a Superior score and moving on to Columbus are: Landon Cluts, (perfect score of 40 and receive the United States Navy Award, which included a medal and a U.S. Savings Bond.

Other Superior were: Courtney Barnett, Jonah Bourassa, Joshua Bracy, Andrew Hoff, Audrey Marshall, Celeste Stauber and Jill Steinmetz,

Students receiving Excellent scores were: Sara Chappell-Dick, Julian Harnish, David Nester, Samantha Rhonemus and Cody Williams Basinger,

Bluffton tied with three other schools for having the most superiors in the Middle School age group. Dave Bracy is the Bluffton middle school eighth grade science teacher.

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