All Bluffton Icon News

Carol Elizabeth Schifferly

Carol Elizabeth Schifferly, 67, of Bluffton, Ohio, died at 2:30 a.m., Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009, at the Mennonite Memorial Home, Bluffton.
She was born in Bluffton on Sept. 8, 1942, to William and Maybelle (Schoonover) Schifferly.
She had worked at Triplett Corp. for 21 years and worked at the Glove Factory, both in Bluffton. She was a member of the First Missionary Church, Bluffton. She had been a Sunday school teacher, song leader and secretary at the church. She had also been a soloist for various functions. She was a graduate of Cory-Rawson High School.

"Who are those guys?"

Remember that line from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? Paul Neuman asks the question after being followed all the way to Bolivia by, well, who are those guys?

I'm asking myself the same question as I write this.

Here's why. Considering the unofficial Icon launch on Sept. 27, here's some interesting info from seven days online:

603 visits

5,741 page views

9.52 pages viewed per visit

7:43 average time spent on the site per visit

And...most of the visitor information is actually since Oct. 1!

Note: Dave Risser operated a restaurant in Pandora several decades ago. This is rumored to be the house dressing.

6 oz. sugar

6 oz. vinegar

2 teaspoons garlic salt

*(or 1/8 teaspoon Original Ranch Salad Dressing)

Mix ingredients and bring to a boil, disolving to clear. Then add 6 oz. vegetable oil.

Other options:

Add 4 teaspoons salt

Add 2 teaspoons garlic salt

Add other herbs of your choice

The following views have been expressed by persons voting on the poll on the home page. The poll asks: What do you think about having only two stop lights on Main Street?"

Bluffton schools recently announced is 2009-10 senior citizens breakfast schedule, according to Greg Denecker, superintendent. Each month a breakfast is served in the middle school cafetorium. The events begin at 8:30 a.m. and are free for senior citizens.

Many high school students do not have the time for a job on top of the several extra-curricular activities they may be involved in. But three Cory-Rawson High School students decided to do more than make money with the hours they spent working in or with farm machinery.
