All Bluffton Icon News

"Over 10,000 worship services and still going strong!"

Bluffton Presbyterian Church is celebrating its 175th anniversary in 2024. The church, originally called The Presbyterian Church of South Bethel, was organized June 6, 1849. The first members met in various homes. In 1852 the Goble heirs donated the land where the present church now stands. The first building was erected soon after.

As a kickoff to the celebrations, the church will present  “The Story of Jesus in Music” on Sunday, August 4 at 7:00 p.m.  The public is invited to this concert which features three professional harpists, violin, viola, guitar, hand bells, choir and a narrator. Light refreshments will be served after the one-hour concert.

During Bluffton History Day on August 10, Bluffton Presbyterian will be serving Lunch on the Lawn from 10:00-1:30 with sandwiches, chips, drinks and desserts for sale.  


By Lena Salameh, Pharmacy Resident and Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

In 1937, artist Joe Grant pitched an idea to Walt Disney about making a movie inspired by his English Springer Spaniel named Lady.  His plot would be based on how the family dog may receive less attention when a new baby was in the house. The plot and the movie struggled through many iterations at Disney before being released as Lady and the Tramp on June 22, 1955. This movie has an iconic scene where Lady and Tramp share a plate of spaghetti and end up kissing at the end of the same noodle. 

Meet the Teacher is on August 21 from 5:00-6:00 p.m.

By Betsi Werling

The July 29 meeting of the Bluffton Exempted Village Schools Board of Education began with the usual call to order, approval of agenda and minutes. This was a short meeting with many administrators on break. 

The Village of Bluffton Planning Commission will hold two public hearings on Monday, August 5 beginning at 7:00 p.m.

The items under review are a new parking area for Ken Lugibihl Auto & Truck Center on State Route 103 and the zoning designation for territory in Orange County to be annexed by the Village of Bluffton.

Detour on SR 235 between I-75 and US 30

State Route 235 bridge maintenance between Township Road 27 and Township Road 28 will close the road on Monday, Aug. 5, for approximately five days.

The detour is I-75 to SR 696 to U.S. 30, back to SR 235 (see attached map).

A grassroots celebration of Trevor Bassitt reaching the 2024 Olympics in Paris in the men's 400m hurdles will be popping up on Bluffton lawns and byways. Lynda Best at Village Cut & Curl has spearheaded a lawn sign and banner project. Bassitt competes in a first round on Monday, August 5, at 4:05 a.m. Eastern Time.
