Registration is now open for spring youth soccer with the Bluffton Soccer Club (Ohio) HERE.
To register a child, you will need to log in or create an account and upload a birth certificate. Volunteer coaches will need to upload an picture of themselves.
For the Fall 2023 youth soccer season, the league included:
The December meeting of the Bluffton Ohio Historical Society will take place on Wednesday, December 13 at 7:00 p.m. in Bluffton Town Hall, 3rd Floor.
Several items will be discussed including: potential designs for a Society logo, a fundraising campaign and gaining public prominence in the local community.
Bluffton Icon has 57,337 Facebook engagements in the last 28 days
By Paula Scott
Bluffton Icon Editor-Owner
Greetings to viewers who have made it to the Bluffton Icon website from Facebook and other online starting points.
Every day we post the top two or three items to Facebook with the goal of getting you to click the link that takes you to the promised land of Bluffton area news, local advertising, classifieds, community calendar and other local communication resources.
The student of the month for November 2023 at Bluffton High School is Ian Rieman, a senior with a 4.000 GPA. Ian is the son of James and Jennifer Rieman of Bluffton.
Ian is in the National Honor Society, Show Choir, 4 Guys and a Gal quartet, Chamber Choir and Drama club. He was an Academic All-NWC and a member of the varsity football team.
Columnist Bill Herr taught high school mathematics and science for 32 years before serving as a volunteer and then as a staff chaplain at two nursing homes. In this series of articles, he writes about his experiences with elderly residents. He does not use the residents’ real names.
By Bill Herr
Early in my time as chaplain I went into the room of a new lady resident. I did not know that she had dementia. As soon as she saw me, she began cursing me. I tried to introduce myself but she continued cursing. After a few uncomfortable moments, I excused myself and left the room.
In the following days, I observed that her husband visited her every day. She would sit up and he would sit beside her and gently massage the back of her neck and shoulders. One day I entered her room and she was crying softly. I asked her what was the matter and she said, “I miss my husband.” I asked her if I could pray for her. She nodded and I prayed specifically that her husband would soon be there to see her. When I finished I looked at the doorway and there stood her husband. He had just arrived.