All Bluffton Icon News

The following land transfers took place in the Bluffton Exempted Village School District in June 2023 as reported on the websites of Allen County Auditor Rachael S. Gilroy and Hancock County Auditor Charity A. Rauschenberg.

215 Bentley Rd., Bluffton, $259,900.00, Single Family Dwelling; Diller, Samuel W & Joan R to Bixel, Seth C & Carol A

8196 N Cool Rd; Richland Twp., $185,000.00, Single Family Dwelling; Meyer, Trevor B to Meyer, Ronald L & Tobi Ann, Trustees

Everything old is new again. This past week, GROB Systems uninstalled the custom plexiglass and aluminum unit that provided over 20 feet of protection around the library’s main floor front desk area. It is three years since the company created the unit to help people keep COVID and other germs to themselves. The Icon's original story is HERE.

Over the next several days, the nation will celebrate the 4th of July. As a reminder to everyone, the Allen County Sheriff’s Office and the Ohio State Highway Patrol as well as other local law enforcement will be working to enforce Ohio’s impaired driving laws throughout the holiday to keep our roadways safe from impaired drivers.

The Bluffton Public Library has announced that the 3D printer will be back at the library in July.

Suggested donations are 50 cents per hour of requested print to help cover the cost of the filament. 

145 S. Main St. Bluffton, OH 45817


M-R: 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m.
F: 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
S: 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m.

By Marla Stone, RD, LD, Oncology Dietitian
The Armes Family Cancer Care Center

The National Cancer Institute defines cancer as, “…a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body.” According to the American Cancer Society, one in two men and one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Nutrition plays a role in cell growth and can help reduce your risk of developing cancer by providing an adequate amount of nutrients needed to support healthy cell growth. Cancer is a disease that is multi-factorial including, but not limited to lifestyle, environment, age and genetics. While we cannot control all of these factors, we can control some of them, which will help decrease the risk of developing cancer.

In order to fuel the body appropriately and provide adequate nutrients all day long, it is best practice to aim for smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. This is not to say you cannot consume breakfast, lunch and dinner but, rather, that you control your portions with these three meals and incorporate balanced snacks between them. There are also many different types of oral nutrition supplements available that have a variety of nutrients along with the convenience of grab-and-go. While it is recommended to get all of our nutrients from the foods we eat, sometimes nutritional supplements are necessary. Each individual is different, so it is best to discuss the varying options of nutritional supplements and food/snack recommendations with a registered dietitian to find what will best meet the individual needs of your body. 

The deadline for Fall Youth Soccer through Bluffton Soccer Club is Friday, June 30.  Register HERE.

Helpful Dates to know:

June 30 - Fall Registration Deadline
August 11- Schedules to Coaches
August 21 - Games begin
Oct. 7-8 Van Buren Tournament (U8 &U10)
Oct. 14-15 (U12 & U15)

Field set up will be August 3 and 5.
