By Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team
We learn early in school to find credible sources when writing a paper. Many may remember encyclopedias or going to the library to read a book to take notes. We have become a society of instant gratification with Google or asking Siri or Alexa for an answer.
Each week, I research the published, peer-reviewed literature to find the most reliable evidence about health and medicine. Recently, I was told there is no need to read published newsletters or newspapers because they can just get their answers from Google. When you search Google for Google search algorithms and misinformation, amazingly you will find some pretty sound criticism of the accuracy of the results. Is this our most credible source of information?
The waters of Bluffton are changeable. On social media, a Blufftonite recently reported a bright green Little Riley at this location. Two days later, conditions had changed. If you find something strange about our waterways, you can report it to the Village or use this cell phone app.
At the Monday, August 22 Bluffton council meeting, Mayor Richard Johnson announced the finalization of a committee to address the creation of a Safety Services commemoration.
The committee was conceived in the discussions this past spring regarding how to memorialize fallen Bluffton Police Officer Dominic Francis.
Added to their task is formalizing the recognition of first responders more broadly, in particular those who have died in the line of duty but also those who have dedicated their lives to this form of public service.
At the August 22 Bluffton council meeting, EMS chief Jan Basinger requested a meeting with the Safety Services Committee to discuss growing needs in the EMS Department. Chief Jon Kinn asked to be present at that meeting, to address the same topic for the Fire Department.